CW-hire Quick start guide

System requirements

  • Joomla  >= 4.x / Joomla >= 5.x
  • php        >= 8.0 <= 8.2
  • MySQL  >= 5.6

Initial setup

Note: The screenshots in this manual are based on Joomla 3.x. The interface in Joomla 4/5 is almost identical.

You will find the component in the Joomla administration menu at "components -> cw-hire".

First of all, you need to set some general parameters to get everything going.
The component will not work, before you have set up these parameters:

Global parameters

From the main page of the component click "Options". Then configure at least these two things:

    • Contract forms

      It is required, to define at least one contract form e.g. "Contracting", "remporary employment".

  • Mail settings

    Here you need to tell CW-hire, where to send applications as well as a sender email address.

Everything else in the global settings is optional, but it is highly recommended, that you go through all tabs and check if the default settings are suitable for you. After you set and saved the global options, you can close them.


You need to add at least one category, in order for the whole system to work:

    • Click on "Categories" in the menu on the left side.
    • Click on the green button "New" on the top left.
    • Enter a title and optionally a recipient email address, if you want the applications from this category delivered to a different address from the one you've set up in the global options.
  • Press "Save & Close"

Now everything is set up and you're ready to add some job offers.