E-commerce is the new high street

No matter if you want to sell clothes, videos or other media files for download or camels, our e-commerce solutions got it covered. Selling things online has a lot of advantages, here are just some examples:

  • Open 24/7

  • No shop assistants needed

  • Lower costs than renting a store

  • Wide reach, far beyond the local high street

Our solutions cover everything from just a few "buy now" buttons within a website over stand-alone shops to complete websites with a seamlessly integrated shop solution.

We have the right solution for (almost) any need and budget. It's just a question of finding the right balance between budget and self-initiative. In essence it comes down to three models:

The flatpack approach

We design and set up a fully functioning shop for you and you "stock up the shelfs" on your own. Of course we are happy to guide you through the first few products, to help you get an understanding of the process. If you want to save money and don't shy away from a little bit of lightweight technical DIY, this is the way for you.

The golden mean

This is the most common approach: We design and set up the shop for you, you provide us with the necessary material to add the products like images, texts and prices and details about categories etc. and we put everything in place for you. Once your shop is online, you can of course take over and add new products, change existing ones or remove outdated offers. It's almost as easy as writing a Letter.

The all in model

This includes everything of the "golden mean", but on top of that we send a professional photographer over to make photos of all your products. The only thing we need from you is the prices and descriptions of your products.

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