A selection of our projects

Forest School Momentum
This project consists of three closely intertwined websites. The Forest School and Kindergarten Momentum in Lower Saxony, Northern Germany, is yet another example of many, very ambitious social projects of KRD-founder and philanthropist Beate Korinna Brammer.
Gutshof St. Dionys GmbH
St. Dionys, Lower Saxony, Germany
Technology: Joomla 5, Gantry framework, SASS, php

Brighton Forward Special Educational Needs Provision
Brighton Forward is an oustanding organisation that helps young people with special needs on their way to independence. They support young people who are not accessing provison or are leaving secondary school and are not ready for a larger further education college, traineeship or employment, or those for whom a structured academic setting is not appropriate, by offering a life and work skills programme tailored to meet the needs of Post 15 SEND, SEMH and vulnerable young people.
Brighton Forward Ltd.
Technology: Joomla 4, Gantry framework, SASS, php

KASIGLAS® is an all-round plastic which has revolutionised the growing market for glass. KASIGLAS® stands for completely new material properties. It was a real pleasure, to evolve their website to the next level and prepare it for the mobile age.
KRD Sicherheitstechnik GmbH
Joomla, jQuery, Bootstrap, php

3HO Yoga Organisation
The new website for the German branch of the international yoga-organsiation 3HO, was a project of our business partner Medienlounge in Germany. createWeb programmed the complete member-management for the site. The website is based on Joomla!™ 4, we implemented the member-management as a Joomla-component with frontend-editing for member-access.
Second part of the job was an internal management of Yoga-trainers. For the front-end we programmed search-filters and a map-view.
Here are some direct links to parts of the 3HO website we contributed:
Find a yoga-instructor trainer
Medienlounge / 3HO Germany e.V.
Joomla, jQuery, Bootstrap, php, xml

Insulation Online
Insulation Online is a small family-run business that has been providing customers with high-quality insulation and building products for over 20 years.
Insulation Online Ltd.
Technology: WordPress, WooCommerce, Gantry framework, SASS, php

Gutshof St. Dionys
The Gutshof St. Dionys in Lower Saxony, Northern Germany, is yet another very ambitious project of KRD-founder and philanthropist Beate Korinna Brammer. She bought this gorgeous historic farm house to completely refurbish it and turn it into a venue for art galleries and performances.
Gutshof St. Dionys GmbH
St. Dionys, Lower Saxony, Germany
Grav CMS, less, php