
Job offers online, the easy way.

It comes with a host of new features and improvements:

  • Packages for Joomla 3 and 4 included in the subscription
  • Job offers can now be ordered by name, release date, job start date or custom ordering.
  • Introducing SEF URLs.
  • New types of custom fields can be added to the application form: "textarea", "radio", "list" and "checkbox"
  • New: The layouts from the latest module are now available in the component as well, plus some new, modern layouts.
  • Layout can be configured individually for each menu entry.
  • Fields "Terms of reference", "Profile", "Perspective" and "Contact info" not mandatory any more. If left blank in admin, only the description text will be displayed.

If you have a valid subscription for version 2, just login to your account and you will get 20% discount on checkout.

Important note: For a direct update from version 2 to version 3, you need at least version 2.0.16!

CW-hire is a set of Joomla® extensions to offer jobs on a website. The main component consists of a job listing, a search filter, a detail view for jobs and an application form for each job.  Visitors can search the list, read all the details about a job and send their application including attachments via email.

There are also two modules available: CW-hire latest and CW-hire search. CW-hire latest shows a list of featured jobs at any Joomla position. CW-hire search is the search filter as a separate module, to show the search form at any Joomla position. These two modules are included in all subscriptions.

The main features of cw-hire are:

  • Joblisting

    The Joblisting is the core component of CW-hire. The offered jobs are listed by publishing date in descending order.
  • Job details

    The detail view for each job is well structured.
  • Application form

    At the bottom of the detail view, the application form can be unfolded with just one click.
  • Attachments

    The applicant can attach one or more cv files and testimonials to the application form.

  • Full multi-language support

    Categories and entries come with full Joomla multi-language support. The component itself is compliant with the Joomla languages-system and currently fully translated to English and German.

We are happy to customize CW-hire to optimize the workflow within your company. We already did a customized version for a client, who needed the data sent from the application form as an xml file for easy import to the German "Landwehr" recruitment software. If you need any kind of special interface to automate the handshake between the website and your recruitment solution, we will do it for you.

cw-hire currently comes with 2 modules, that are included in the subscription downloads:

  • Search module

    The name  says it all, it's a search bar, that can be included on any position within a Joomla website.
  • Featured jobs module

    The featured jobs module shows a list of jobs that are marked as "featured" from one or more categories.